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Is Walt Disney World Safe?


While this may make the blog the shortest one to read ever, the answer is depends on how safe the guests and Cast Members in the parks make it.

Here's why.

The truth is that Florida is currently a hot bed for COVID-19 currently and that poses many risks for opening a theme park, let alone an entire resort the size of Walt Disney World.

That said, Disney has taken exceptional steps to make the parks and resorts safe for visitors. From social distancing markers, crowd capacity reductions, wiping down high touch surfaces, and other safety protocols in place, the safety of the parks will come down to (as it normally does) to the people in the parks and resort hotels.

During a global medical pandemic, we have a responsibility to ourselves and to others to stay healthy and safe. If people who feel unwell stay home, get tested, and follow the protocols that are in place, than Walt Disney World is as safe as it can possibly be. If people are going to work or enjoying a day at the park after exposure, or worse yet, symptoms, than the risks will be considerably higher.

As I've mentioned in previous blogs, safety will come down to us and making the decision (for Canadians it's easy....we're not allowed to cross the border currently) will come down to essentially a few factors. First and foremost...personal risk tolerance. If you're in a vulnerable group to COVID-19 serious illness, or risk adverse, you're probably going to delay your trip. If the things you want to enjoy while you're there are not operating (such as fireworks and parades), you're probably going to delay your trip. If it's your first trip, you're way better off delaying it to when this is all over.

That said, if what you're interested in seeing, eating, and doing are open, you're not in a vulnerable group, and are willing follow the rules, than maybe it's worth the money. In either case, safety will really come down to people (as it often does).

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